Home > Esporte > O BALLET VEM COM TUDO EM 2019!


Esporte - Esportes - Notícias - 4 de fevereiro de 2019

I hurried into the local department store to grab1 some last minute Chirsmas gifts. I looked at all CQE practice exam the people and Itcertpasses grumbled2 CCNA 200-125 PDF to myself. I CQE practice exam would be in here forever and I just CCNA 200-125 PDF had so CBAP training material much to do. Chirsmas was beginning to become such a drag. I CBAP training material kinda wished that I CCNA 200-125 PDF could just sleep through Itcertpasses Chirsmas. But I hurried the best I CQE practice exam could through all CCNA 200-125 PDF the people to the toy department. Once Oracle 1z0-067 exam dumps again I kind of mumbled3 to Examprepwell myself at the prices of all these toys, and wondered if the grandkids would even play CQE practice exam whit4 them. I found myself in the doll aisle5. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a little CQE practice exam Oracle 1z0-067 exam dumps boy about 5 holding a lovely Oracle 1z0-067 exam dumps doll.He kept touching6 Examprepwell her hair CQE practice exam and he held her so gently. I could not seem CCNA 200-125 PDF Oracle 1z0-067 exam dumps to help myself. I just kept loking over at the little boy and wondered who the doll was for. Itcertpasses I watched him turn to a woman and he called his CBAP training material aunt by Itcertpasses name and said, CQE practice exam “Are you sure I don’t have enough money?” Itcertpasses She replied Itcertpasses a bit impatiently, “You know that you CQE practice exam don’t have enough money for it.” The aunt told the Itcertpasses little boy not to go anywhere that she had to go and Itcertpasses Examprepwell get some Oracle 1z0-067 exam dumps other things and would be back Examprepwell in Oracle 1z0-067 exam dumps a Cisco 300-075 VCE few minutes. And then she left the aisle. The boy continued to hold the Itcertpasses doll. After a bit I asked the boy who the Cisco 300-075 VCE doll was for. He said, “It is the doll my sister wanted so badly Oracle 1z0-067 exam dumps for Oracle 1z0-067 exam dumps Chirsmas. She just knew that Santa would bring it. “I told him that maybe Santa was going to bring it . He said, “No, Santa can’t go where my CBAP training material sister is…. I have to give CCNA 200-125 PDF the CBAP training material doll to my Mama to take to her. “I asked him Itcertpasses where CBAP training material his siter was. He looked at me with the saddest eyes and said, “She was gone to be with Jesus.

My Daddy says CCNA 200-125 PDF that Mamma is going to have to go be CBAP training material with her.” My heart nearly CQE practice exam stopped beating. Then Oracle 1z0-067 exam dumps the boy looked at CQE practice exam me again and CQE practice exam said, “I told my Daddy to tell my Mama not to go yet. Cisco 300-075 VCE I Oracle 1z0-067 exam dumps Examprepwell told him to tell her to wait till I got back Examprepwell CCNA 200-125 PDF from Examprepwell the store.” Then he asked me if i wanted to see his picture. I Examprepwell Oracle 1z0-067 exam dumps told him I’d love Cisco 300-075 VCE to. He pulled out some picture he’d had taken at the front of the store. He said, “I want my Mama to take this with her so the dosen’t ever forget me. I Itcertpasses love my Mama so very much and CBAP training material I wish she Cisco 300-075 VCE dind not have Itcertpasses to leave me.But Daddy says she will Oracle 1z0-067 exam dumps need to be CCNA 200-125 PDF CQE practice exam with my CCNA 200-125 PDF sister.” I saw Cisco 300-075 VCE that the little boy Itcertpasses had lowered his head and CBAP training material had grown so qiuet. While he was not looking I CCNA 200-125 PDF reached into my purse CQE practice exam CCNA 200-125 PDF and Itcertpasses pilled out a handful of bills. I asked the little boy, “Shall CCNA 200-125 PDF we count that miney one more time?” He grew CBAP training material excited and said, “Yes,I Cisco 300-075 VCE just know it has to Examprepwell be enough.” So I slipped my money in with his and we began to count it . Of course it was plenty for the doll. He softly said, “Thank CBAP training material you Jesus for Cisco 300-075 VCE giving me enough money.” Then the boy said, “I just asked Jesus to give Examprepwell me enough money CCNA 200-125 PDF to buy this doll so Mama can take it with her CBAP training material to give my sister. And he heard my Examprepwell prayer. I wanted to ask him give for enough to buy my Mama a white rose, but I didn’t ask him, but Cisco 300-075 VCE he gave me enough to buy the doll and a rose for my Mama. She loves white rose so much. “In CBAP training material a few minutes the CBAP training material aunt came back and Examprepwell I wheeled Cisco 300-075 VCE my cart Oracle 1z0-067 exam dumps away. I could not Cisco 300-075 VCE keep from thinking about the little Cisco 300-075 VCE boy as I finished my shoppong in a ttally different spirit Oracle 1z0-067 exam dumps than when I had started. And I kept remembering a story I had seen in the newspaper several days earlier about a drunk driver hitting a car and Cisco 300-075 VCE killing7 a little girl and CCNA 200-125 PDF the Mother was in serious condition. CQE practice exam The family was deciding on whether Examprepwell Itcertpasses to remove the Cisco 300-075 VCE life support. Now CCNA 200-125 PDF surely this little boy did not belong with that Oracle 1z0-067 exam dumps story.Two Cisco 300-075 VCE days later Cisco 300-075 VCE I read in the paper where the family had disconnected the life support and the young woman had died. I could Itcertpasses not forget the CQE practice exam little boy and just kept wondering if the Examprepwell two were somehow connected. Later that day, I could not help myself and I went out and CBAP training material bought aome white roses and took them to Oracle 1z0-067 exam dumps the funeral home CBAP training material where Examprepwell the yough woman CQE practice exam was .And there she was holding a lovely white rose, the beautiful doll, and the picture of Examprepwell the little boy in the store. I left there in tears, thier life changed forever. The love that little boy had for his little sisiter and his mother was overwhel. And in a split8 second a drunk driver had ripped9 the life of that little boy to pieces.

Por Adalberto Conti

As aulas de ballet oferecidas gratuitamente pela Prefeitura de Santa Maria de Jetibá, retornam com suas atividades no dia seis de fevereiro e nesta edição mostramos aos pais e às crianças os benefícios da prática dessa atividade.

Disciplina e concentração

Estes dois são alguns dos grandes pontos positivos da prática do ballet. Aliás, como de outros esportes! A dança, em geral, requer disciplina e atenção dos praticantes que precisam se ater aos movimentos, além de aprenderem e lembrar as sequências complexas da mesma.

Coordenação motora

A primeira coisa que você perceberá ao ver a evolução da criança no ballet será o desenvolvimento de seus movimentos. Com a dança ela terá que aprender movimentos tipo saltos e giros estimulando sua coordenação motora.

Fortalecendo as amizades

Este é mais um benefício comum entre os esportes. O ballet não se resume somente às sequências de movimentos individuais; tem, também, o uso do espaço como um todo o que o faz ficar mais harmônico na medida em que todos os dançarinos alinhem seus movimentos. Para isso acontecer é preciso prática, diálogo e um bom relacionamento entre todos os que dividem o palco.


A socialização com outras crianças, acompanhando seu desenvolvimento a cada semana, faz com que a criança fique cada vez mais extrovertida e confiante em si mesma e no seu potencial.


Em geral, as coreografias do ballet clássico são baseadas em peças clássicas, como o Lago dos Cisnes, um dos balés mais famosos do mundo. O contato com obras de grandes músicos é um estímulo para as crianças desenvolverem o gosto por diferentes culturas, além de isso otimizar sua consciência sensorial e intelectual.

** Quando colocar meus pequenos no ballet?**

Existe uma modalidade de ballet para a faixa etária de 3 a 6 anos. Nessa fase os movimentos são focados em brincadeiras que estimulam os movimentos e dão base para que, mais tarde, a criança aprenda os movimentos mais complexos. A partir dos 7 anos as aulas serão focadas no domínio do corpo e na musicalidade, requerendo cada vez mais disciplina e concentração dos pequenos.

A responsável pelo “Grupo de Ballet SMJ” é a Professora de Educação Física Ana Beatriz, e as inscrições e aulas são realizadas no Núcleo de Danças e Artes Marciais da PMSMJ, localizado na Rua Henrique Potratz – Centro – n° 359. Para maiores informações ligue 27 3263-4807.

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